Winols 4.7 Last Version Working on Windows 10/11 Native Version Direct install
Winols 4.7 FULL VERSION (latest version)
!!! NO NEED WMWARE !!! working directly on windows !
!!!!!! ONLY WORKING ON WINDOWS 10 or WINDOWS 11 !!!!!!
working on 1 computer. unlimited and lifetime use
free remote installation support
While installing the program, antivirus and microsoft antivirus must be turned off. otherwise the program cannot be installed. Antivirus must be turned off in your remote connection support request.
read carefully and order first:
1.There is no checksum validation package in Winols 4.7 . So it can't make checksum.
2.When the program runs, it rewinds your computer's date by one year, so your internet won't work. When you close the program, the date will be updated again.
3. The program may occasionally give an update warning. will be paused for a few seconds. there will be no update.
4. You can uninstall and install the program on your computer as many times as you want and use it.
5. Supports all damos, ols,kp, mappacks. you can use all functions unlimited
6. Antivirus and Windows Microsoft Defender must be turned off during use.
7. It does not work on Windows 10 home operating system.
If the program does not run on your computer, you cannot pay for the product.